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Britt Ekland . Mary Goodnight  The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) 

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EON Productions movies
Dr No
2.  Form Russia With Love
3.  Goldfinger
4.  Thunderball
5.  You Only Live Twice
6.  On Her Majesty`s Secret Service
7.  Diamonds Are Forever
8   Live And Let Die
9.  The Man With The Golden Gun
10.The Spy Who Loved Me
11.Moonraker 1979
12.For Your Eyes Only 1981
13.Octopussy 1983  
14.A View To A Kill 1985  
15.The Living Daylights
Licence To Kill 
18.Tomorrow Never Dies 
19.The World Is Not Enough
20.Die Another Day
21.Casino Royale
22.Quantum Of Solace
23.James Bond 
James Bond

Not included in 
Bondserie or
EON Productions

Casino Royale 1954
Casino Royale 1967
Never Say Never Again

Albert "Cubby"Broccoli
Harry Saltzman
Barbara Broccoli
Michael G,Wilson

Writers to all Bond books
Ian Fleming  
Amis Kingsley
Raymond Benson 
John Gardner
Charlie Higson
Sebastian Faulks

James Bond actors
Barry Nelson

Sean Connery

George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan
Daniel Craig

James Bond Composers
Monty Norman 1

John Barry 11
George Martin 1
Marvin Hamlisch 1
Bill Conti 1
Michael Kamen 1
Eric Serra 1

David Arnold 

James Bond Music













Britt Ekland . Mary Goodnight

Rumors have it that Britt was originally tapped to play Andrea Anders in 
The Man with the Golden Gun
, a role that went to two-time Bond-er Maud Adams, but producers changed their mind when they saw her in a bikini (source). This worries me a bit, especially since I have her here at number 17, but when you see what she is willing to do I think you will agree she is where she belongs. Just before Bond and Mary Goodnight (another good name) are about to bump uglies they are interrupted and she is initially hidden under the sheets, but then Bond throws her in the closet... Where she stays all night while Bond has the sexy time with another woman and gets a good night's rest. The next morning she is peeved, but who can stay mad at Bond for long...? Not Mary Goodnight and that earns Mary her spot. Oh, and she shows up in a bikini in the movie and I am not about to complain and neither will you. So phooey to that rumor!

"It was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done," says Ekland, of her comic turn as Bond's Girl Friday Mary Goodnight in 1974's The Man with the Golden Gun. "But it did nothing for my career." Perhaps not, though the Swedish-born actress did eventually turn up in 1989's Scandal as a decadent English socialite sporting gold-painted nipples. "But you can get more publicity [from a Bond film] than you've ever had in your life," she says. Actually, Ekland (whose former beaux include Warren Beatty, Ryan O'Neal and Rod Stewart) has hardly lacked for attention. At 20 she wed actor Peter Sellers, then 37. Their five-year union produced a daughter, actress Victoria Sellers, now 30. She also has a son, Nikolai, from her relationship with record honcho Lou Adler, now an L.A. restaurateur. In 1980 she took up with Stray Cats drummer Jim McDonnell. (She was 38, he was 20.) Married four years later and divorced in 1992, they have a son, Thomas Jefferson, who lives with Ekland in London and L.A. Currently single, Ekland cut short her stage tour last spring in the farce Run for Your Wife because, she says, "you can't do theater with a little child. There's a car full of dirty laundry waiting to be done."

Britt Ekland
Spelade Mary Goodnight i Mannen med den gyllene pistolen 1974.
Född i Stockholm, 
Talar svenska, italienska, tyska, engelska och spanska.
Upptäcktes av Povel Ramel efter Calle Flygares scenskola.
Gift med Peter Sellers och senare trummisen i Stray Cats, Slim Jim Phantom, dejtade Rod Stewart.
Syns fortfarande i småroller på film och i tv.

Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight

"The Man with The Golden Gun" Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight iwith Nick Nack

"The Man with The Golden" Gun Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight iwith James Bond (Roger Moore) Nick Nack
"The Man with The Golden" Gun Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight with James Bond (Roger Moore) Nick Nack

Man with The Golden gun Britt Ekland as Mary Goodnight Fullt namn: Britt-Marie Eklund
Födelsedag 6 oktober.1942
Stjärntecken: Våg
Födelsestad: Stockholm, Sverige
Roll: Mary Goodnight
Film: Otopussy  1983
  • Date of Birth: 6th October 1942
  • Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden


Britt Ekland Swedish Model with Her Fomer Husband Peter Sellers also Bond actor in Casino Royale 1967

Britt Ekland Swedish Model with Her Fomer Husband Peter Sellers also Bond actor in Casino Royale 1967

Britt Ekland model Swedish
Britt Ekland model Swedish
Britt Ekland Swedish Model with Her Fomer Husband Peter Sellers also Bond actor in Casino Royale 1967
Britt Ekland Swedish Model with Her Fomer Husband Peter Sellers also Bond actor in Casino Royale 1967
  • Britt Fit (keep-fit) 
  • Absolutely Fabulous - Series 4 (2000) (TV
  • Absolutely Fabulous - Series 1 (1994) (TV
  • Cold Heat (1990) 
  • The Children (1990)
  • Scandal (1989) 
  • Beverly Hills Vamp (1988) 
  • Moon in Scorpio (1987) 
  • Erotic Images (1985)
  • Fraternity Vacation (1985) 
  • Marbella (1985) 
  • Hot Spot (1985)
  • Love Scenes (1984)
  • Demon Rage (1981)
  • Sex on the Run (1981)
  • The Hostage Tower (1980)
  • The Great Wallendas (1978)
  • Slavers (1978)
  • Some Like It Cool (1978) 
  • Ring of Passion (1978)
  • King Solomon's Treasure (1976) 
  • Royal Flash (1975)
  • The Man With the Golden Gun (1974) 
  • The Ultimate Thrill (1974) 
  • High Velocity (1973)
  • The Wicker Man (1973) 
  • Asylum (1972) 
  • Endless Night (1972) 
  • What the Peeper Saw (1972)
  • Baxter! (1972)
  • A Time for Loving (1971)
  • Get Carter (1971)  (us)
  • Percy (1971) 
  • Machine Gun McCain (1970)
  • Stiletto (1969)
  • The Night They Raided Minsky's (1968) 
  • The Bobo (1967) 
  • The Double Man (1967)
  • After the Fox (1966) 
  • The Final Inheritance
    Link http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~lenin/Britt_Ekland.html



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 Kontakta oss på: 007museum@telia.com , tele 0481-12960 .Open Daily 10.00 - 17.00 (lunch 13-14)  Sat 10.00-14.00
Adressen är/is: James Bond 007 Museum, Emmabodav.20, 382 45 Nybro, Sweden