Svenska Skådespelare i James
Bond 007 filmer 1962-2007
Never Say Never Again
Max von Sydow

Max von Sydow was born 29 April 1929 in Lund, Sweden. As a teenager,
von Sydow and some of his friends founded an amateur theatre company,
and later he attended The Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm.
In 1955, he moved to Malmö, where he met and began working with
Ingmar Bergman, and his career really began to take off as he starred
in Oscar-winning films produced by Bergman.
Von Sydow went on to since star in such classics as The Greatest
Story Ever Told (1965) and The Exorcist (1973), and more recently in
blockbusters like Judge Dredd (1995) and Minority Report (2002
Bra saker att veta om Never Say Never Again
- * Rättigheterna till denna film köptes i slutet av 90-talet av
MGM, som vill samla alla Bondfilmer "under ett tak".
Först efter flera år bestämde man sig för att ge ut filmen på
köpvideo och DVD. Länge gick det inte alls att få tag i denna
- * Det lär ha varit Sean Connerys fru Micheline som
hittade på titeln Never Say Never Again (syftande på
Connerys ovilja att spela Bond ännu en gång).
- * 1983 var ett hett Bond-år: Medierna älskade att berätta om
"Bondarnas krig" ("The battle of the Bonds")
eftersom både Moore och Connery släppte varsin Bondfilm under
året. Både Connery och Moore blev till sist hjärtligt trötta
på denna nyhetsvinkling.
- * Kevin McClory krediteras som exekutiv producent, men
hade i verkligheten ingenting praktiskt att göra med filmen.
- * Producenten Jack Schwartzman erkände senare att han
underskattat hur komplex denna filminspelning skulle bli. Filmen
drog över budgeten, och Schwartzman fick finansiera stora delar
av den överskjutande summan ur egen ficka.
- * Man planerade från början en inledningsscen som utspelade
sig vid en riddartornering. En av riddarna dödas av en annan
riddares spetsiga lans, vilket får en tredje riddare - Bond - att
fälla upp visiret och förfölja den förste riddaren. Jakten
går till häst över en hinderbana och genom ett parkeringshus.
Allt detta bedömdes som alltför dyrt och idén skrotades.
- * Rowan Atkinson, alias Mr Bean, har en komisk roll i
filmen som brittisk representant.
- * Felix Leiter spelas denna gång av en svart skådespelare, Bernie
Casey. Det var Connerys idé, eftersom publiken sällan minns
Leiters karaktär i Bondfilmerna
- * Largos förnamn har i Never Say Never Again ändrats
till Maximilian. I Thunderball hette han ju Emilio.
- * Valerie Leon, som spelar Bonds kvinnliga
Bahamas-kontakt, är den enda kvinna som varit med i tre olika
Bondfilmer, alla producerade av olika filmbolag. Filmerna är
förutom Never Say Never Again Casino Royale och The Spy
Who Loved Me. Visserligen är rollerna ganska små, men i alla
- * Trumpetsolot i titelmelodin framförs av Herb Alpert.
Han lirade även trumpet i titelmelodin till
Casino Royale.
- * Enligt en uppgift i Expressen från 1982 skulle Sean
Connerys tupé i denna film kosta 36.000 kronor.
- * Bond har i denna film en specialväska innehållande bl a en
flaska Absolut Vodka, en lyckad svensk produktplacering som fick
enormt med utrymme i de svenska medierna.
- * Vissa recensenter var lyriska över denna film, t ex Mats
Olsson i Expressen som gav den fyra getingar. Jurgen
Schildt i Aftonbladet var dock inte imponerad.
"Vad nytt under månen?" undrade han (syftande på
Connerys flint) och delade ut två plus.
- * En krönikör i DN hade inte fattat att Never Say
Never Again var en nyinspelning av Thunderball, och att
man av juridiska skäl inte fick frångå original-handlingen
alltför mycket. Krönikören skrev en lång artikel där han
"avslöjade" att "Never" minsann hade stulit
det mesta av sin handling från Thunderball. Han börjar
sedan räkna upp en massa likheter mellan de båda filmernas
intriger. Antagligen tyckte krönikören att han verkligen hade
kommit på någonting.
- * I en av filmens sekvenser förekommer två Bondbekanta från
den officiella serien: vid det NATO-möte där man spelar upp
Blofelds utpressningsvideo blir flera delegater upprörda, bl a en
italiensk minister som spelas av Robert Rietty. Denne
ganska okände skådespelare lånade ut sin röst till Largo i Thunderball
och till Tanaka i You Only Live Twice, samt var med själv
vid spelbordet i OHMSS.
Den andre Bondbekantingen är Manning Redwood, som här är
en amerikansk general. Han spelade senare Conley i
A View to a
- * I de svenskspråkiga delarna av Finland döptes filmen till
Aldrig Två Gånger.
- Filmen slutar med att Connery blinkar till biopubliken,
något som flera recensenter har retat sig på.

"Never Say Never Again" 1983 Svensk original poster
Fullt namn:
Carl Adolf Von Sydow |
Födselsedag: |
Onsdag 10.04.1929 |
Stjärntecken: |
Vädur |
Lund, Skåne, Sverige |
74 år |
Höjd: |
190 cm. |
Roll: |
Ernst Stavro Blofeld |
von Sydow var med i:
Never Say Never Again (1983) Ernst Stavro Blofeld
- Birth name
- Carl Adolf Von Sydow
- Height
- 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
- Mini biography
- He was born in a middle-class family in
Lund, where his father was an ethnologist. When he was in high
he and a few fellow students, including
Yvonne Lombard, started a theatre club
which encouraged his interest in acting.
After conscription he began to study at
the Royal Dramatic Theatre's acting
school (1948-1951), together with Lars Ekborg, Margaretha Krook and Ingrid
Thulin. His first role was as Nils the
crofter in Alf Sjöberg's Bara en mor
(1949). After graduation he worked at the
city theatres in Norrkoeping and Malmö.
His work in the movies by Ingmar Bergman
made him well-known internationally, and
he started to get offers from abroad. His
career abroad began with Greatest Story
Ever Told, The (1965) and Hawaii (1966).
Since then, his career includes very
different kind of characters, like
Emperor Ming in Flash Gordon (1980) or
the artist Frederick in Hannah and Her
Sisters (1986). In 1987 he made his
directing debut with Ved vejen (1988). He
has become one of Sweden's most admired
and professional actors.
- Spouse
Cathrine Brelet |
(30 April 1997 -
present) |
Christina Olin |
(1 August 1951 -
1996) (divorced) |
- Trivia
- Two sons, Claes and Henrik.
offered the title role in Dr. No (1962).
One of his favourite
movies is Runaway Train (1985).
Has lived in Los
Angeles, California, USA; Rome, Italy and
Paris, Seine, France.
One of the only actors
to have played both God (in "King of
Kings") and the Devil (in
"Needful Things").
Father of Henrik von
Sydow and Clas S. von Sydow
One of the only actors
to have played both God (in "The
Greatest Story Ever Told") and the
Devil (in "Needful Things").
- Biography from Leonard
Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:
- Lean-faced, sandy-haired, pencil-thin
actor who made his name with America's
art-house crowd playing tormented
protagonists in a number of director
Ingmar Bergman's best-known features,
including The Seventh Seal (1957), in
which he played chess with the hooded
figure of Death. He was cast as Christ in
George Stevens' biblical epic The
Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) and has
enjoyed international star status ever since. Von Sydow, a classically trained
actor who studied at Stockholm's Royal
Dramatic Theater School, won his first
film role in Bara en Mor (1949), but
spent the first half of the 1950s
perfecting his craft on stage. He
appeared in a number of Bergman films in
the late 1950s and 1960s, including Wild
Strawberries (1957), The Magician, Brink
of Life(both 1958), The Virgin Spring
(1959), Through a Glass, Darkly (1962),
Hour of the Wolf Shame (both 1968), The
Passion of Anna (1969), and The Touch
(1971). As von Sydow's stock rose with
international producers, he was enlisted
to appear in many American and
English-language films, including The
Quiller Memorandum, Hawaii (both 1966),
Steppenwolf (1974), Three Days of the
Condor (1975), and Hurricane (1979). He
starred in Jan Troell's epic two-part
story The Emigrants (1971) and The New
Land (1972), and in 1973 made a vivid
impression as frail Father Merrin, the
title character in The Exorcist
(He also appeared in Exorcist II: The
Heretic in 1977.) Von Sydow is one of
those actors of whom it can be said that
he always, always maintains his own
dignity in a film, regardless of how
silly the production or the story may be (see 1980's Flash Gordon in which he
plays Ming the Merciless). He worked
almost constantly on a wide variety of
projects during the 1980s, from high,
wrenching drama like Pelle the Conqueror
(1988, for which he earned his only Oscar nomination) to the hallucinatory comedy
Strange Brew (1983, which he appeared to
enjoy more than a "distinguished
actor" might be expected to; costar
Dave Thomas even imitates his voice in
one scene, uncannily well). In 1988 he
made his directing debut with Katinka
Recent films include Wim Wenders' Until
the End of the World (1991) and The Best
Intentions (1992, as Ingmar Bergman's grandfather). He can also be heard doing
voice-overs on a number of American TV commercials. In 1993 he played The Devil
in the Stephen King saga Needful Things
making him the only actor in memory who's
played Lucifer, an exorcist, and Jesus
OTHER FILMS INCLUDE: 1976: Voyage of the Damned, Foxtrot 1977: March or Die 1978:
Brass Target 1981: Victory 1982:
Conan the Barbarian 1983: Never Say Never
Again 1984; Dreamscape, Dune 1986: Duet
for One, Hannah and Her Sisters 1987:
Wolf at the Door (as Strindberg); 1990:
Awakenings 1991: The Ox (for Sven
Nykvist), A Kiss Before Dying 1993:The
Silent Touch 1995: Judge Dredd.
Background: As explained in the article on
Thunderball 1965,
Ian Fleming's 8th Bond novel had been the subject of a court
case due to the fact that Fleming had based the story on a
film treatment that he had produced in collaboration with Jack
Whittingham and Kevin McClory. The outcome of this was that
the film rights to the book had been assigned to McClory.
Realising the futility of competing with the established Bond
series in the 60s, McClory had teamed up with EON productions
in order to produce Thunderball in 1965. However, he
still retained the film rights to the story, and following a
10 year re-make exclusion period he started work on producing
a new Bond movie in the late 70s. After much legal wrangling
this resulted in Never Say Never Again in 1983, with
the added interest of Sean Connery returning to the role, some
12 years after Diamonds Are Forever. During the 90s,
McClory was attempting to launch another film based on the
story, but this was thwarted by legal action launched by MGM,
home of the official movies.
Using the title: The title of the movie was
suggested by Sean Connery's wife, Micheline (and her
contribution is credited in the end titles). It is not
actually given in its full form in the movie, but in the last
lines of the movie Bond says "Never again" on
receiving a request to return to the Secret Service.
The novel approach: The legal complexities shadowing
the movie meant that it was forced to retain the basic
storyline of Fleming's novel. There is some change in the
details, particularly the method in which SPECTRE hi-jack the
nuclear missiles. Some character names have been changed - it
is Maximillian Largo not Emilio and Domino Petachi rather than
Derval. Largo's yacht is called the Flying Saucer, the literal
translation of its name in the book and earlier film. The
Fiona Volpe character from the Thunderball movie has
been retained in the form of Fatima Blush. In addition, much
of the action is relocated from the Bahamas to the south of
On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Never Say Never
Again portrays a very different Secret Service to that
seen in the EON series at the time. Edward Fox plays a new M
who has recently taken over and does not hold Bond in as much
regard as his predecessor. Some 10 years later, the official
movies would follow a similar approach with Judi Dench's M in GoldenEye.
Fox's M has had little use for the Double 0 section, and he is
forced to reacivate it by the Home Secretary following the
theft of the nuclear weapons.
Miss Moneypenny is
present in the form of Pamela Salem and is portrayed as
slightly dimmer than the Lois Maxwell version. She only
appears briefly; apparently most of her scenes were cut from
the finished film.
A character called
Q also appears in the film, although again the movie avoids
comparisons with the EON series with a very different
portrayal of the character. Here, Q (who is named as Algernon)
is shown battling with budget cuts and bureaucracy. He is
positively delighted to see Bond back on duty ("Good to
see you Mr Bond. Things have been awfully dull round
here...Now you're on this, I hope we're going to have some
gratuitous sex and violence.")
Locations: South America; England (MI6 HQ,
Shrublands Heath Farm and Swadley US Air Force Base, near
London); SPECTRE HQ, apprently somewhere in France; Nassau and
the Bahamas; Monte Carlo and the south of France; North Africa
and the Middle East oil fields.
The villain: SPECTRE provides the villainy. Although
Ernst Stavro Blofeld appears as its Supreme Commander (see
Recurring Characters), it is Maximillian Largo (Number 1) who
is in charge of the plot to steal 2 W80 thermo-nuclear devices
and hold NATO to ransom (a plot called the Tears of Allah).
Largo was born in Bucharest in 1945 and is apparently a
billionaire industrialist and philantropist. He has no
criminal record and donates money to many worthy causes. He
resides in the Bahamas, on the Flying Saucer ("the
biggest boat in the Caribbean") and has an estate called
Palmerya. His interests include marine biology and designing
computer games. And he is also certifiably mad. At least until
he is killed by Domino. Largo's main support comes in the form
of Fatima Blush, SPECTRE Number 12, who seems equally mad as
well as voluptuously sexual.
The girl: Domino Petachi, the sister of Jack Petachi,
a US Air Force captain who SPECTRE have got hooked on heroin
and blackmailed into assisting in the hi-jacking of the
nuclear weapons. She is also the lover of Largo, who takes
delight in having total control over her.
Bond's conquests: Four - Patricia Fearing, Fatima
Blush, the un-named lady in the Bahamas and Domino.
Gadgets: A fountain pen with a Union Flag design
whose nib is an exploding rocket (Q notes that it is not
perfected yet, but it still does the job in killing Fatima). A
watch containing a laser beam; this is a prototype that has
been designed by a KGB defector who was a whizz-kid in their
technical sector. A motorcycle with a rocket motor. Strange
missile like transporters called XT-7Bs, which are apparently
top secret but are carried on-board US submarines.
Recurring characters: As noted above, Blofeld makes
his first proper appearance since Diamond Are Forever.
The image of Blofed from the earlier films is ignored, and he
is potrayed as a dapper bearded gent rather than a balding
mad-man. Curiously, he retains his white Persian cat, despite
this being an invention of the earlier movies rather than the
novels. An interesting touch is that Blofeld's demands to NATO
take the form of a video transmission dwelling just on his
hands (and the cat) in the same was as Blofeld's first
appearances in From Russia With Love and Thunderball.
Felix Leiter
appears in the movie, played by Bernie Casey, who became the
first black actor to play the part. This casting was
apparently deliberate in an attempt to make Leiter more
Cuts: The British DVD release has a compulsory cut
due to alleged cruelty to animals - when Bond and Domino jump
of the cliff, the shot of the horse entering the water is
I didn't catch the name?: Bond gives his trademark
introduction when he meets Domino properly in the casino. When
he meets Fatima in Nassau he just introduces himself as
Vodka Martinis: Martinis are mentioned many times -
M notes that Bond enjoys too many of them. Later, Bond
confirms this by stating that he always has one at 5 o'clock.
However, he never actually orders one that is shaken, not
Gambling: Although there is a sequence that is set
in Monte Carlo casino, Bond does not gamble as such. Instead,
he plays Largo at his computer game, Domination. He still
manages to win $267,000, but exchanges his winnings in return
for a dance with Domino.
Bond bits: The movie makes virtue of Connery's age
by showing an older Bond. He has been out of action for a
while and has been teaching (an interesting throw-away
reference that is not dwelt on), although immediately before
the movie he has been taking part in some war games for M.
However, he still retains some noteriety since he is
recognised by Fatima. Bond drives a vintage Bentley and has
tattoos (Connery's real-life tattoos are visible at times,
particularly when he boards the Flying Saucer). He still
enjoys the good things in life, such as smoking cigars,
leading to M to send him to Shrublands Health Farm. At the end
of the movie he has retired from the Secret Service, but M is
pleading for him to return.
Other trivia: SPECTRE plans to use the stolen
nuclear weapons to destroy Washington and the Middle East oil
fields. They demand a sum equivalent to 25% of the NATO
countries' oil purchases and give a time limit of 7 days. The
Secret Service has an emergency code, Tango Zero.
Anything else?: The gun used by Bond is not his
famous Walther PPK. It is actually a Walther P5, which was
also used by Roger Moore in the same year's EON movie, Octopussy.