Ända sedan JUDI DENCH spelade i Hamlet på Old Vic Theatre för 55 år
sedan har både kritiker och publik lovordat hennes rollprestationer. Hon
har mottagit en mängd utmärkelser och priser, inklusive en Oscar, tio
BAFTA och sex Laurence Olivier Awards (ett rekord) för sitt arbete både
inom film och inom teater. För sina enastående insatser mottog hon 1970
en OBE (Order of the British Empire), 1988 DBE (Dame of the British
Empire) och 2005 Companion of Honour.
Bland Judi Denchs många filmer märks bland annat rollen som Drottning
Victoria i Hennes majestät Mrs Brown, för vilken hon vann både BAFTA
Award och Golden Globe och nominerades till en Oscar. Hon spelade
Drottning Elizabeth I i Shakespeare In Love, och belönades med både en
Oscar och BAFTA Award för bästa kvinnliga biroll. Hon har också hyllats
för sina rollprestationer i Chocolat, Iris, Mrs Henderson presenterar och
Notes on a Scandal. Hon har spelat M i Bondfilmerna från GoldenEye till
den senaste SKYFALL.
I år har hon spelat huvudrollen i den internationella succéfilmen Hotell
Marigold regisserad av John Madden. Bland hennes senaste filmer märks
också Jane Eyre av Cary Fukunaga och My Week with Marilyn regisserad av
Simon Curtis.
Dame Judi har också hyllats för sin tv-roller, senast som Miss Matty i
BBC:s kritikerrosade serie Cranford. För sin roll i serien blev hon
nominerad som bästa skådespelerska av BAFTA Awards, Golden Globe Awards
och Emmy Awards, och för den efterföljande Return to Cranford
nominerades hon till Emmy och Golden Globes.
Parallellt med arbetet inom film och tv har Dame Judi en lång karriär på
teaterscenen. Hon har mottagit Laurence Olivier Awards för Macbeth och
Juno and the Paycock för RCS (Royal Shakespeare Company), Pack of Lies på
London Lyric, och Anthony and Cleopatra, Absolute Hell, och A Little Night
Music, alla på National Theatre. Hennes rollprestation i Amy’s View,
regisserad av Richard Eyre, gav henne en Critics Circle Award och en
Olivier Award Nomination i London, följt av en Tony Award for Best
Actress när pjäsen senare sattes upp på Broadway.
Bland övriga teateruppsättningar hon medverkat i märks The Royal Family
i regi av Peter Hall; The Breath of Life, regisserad av Howard Davies, där
hon spelade mot Dame Maggie Smith; All’s Well That Ends Well för RSC;
Hay Fever, regisserad av Peter Hall; The Merry Wives of Windsor för RSC;
Madame de Sade, i regi av Michael Grandage för Donmar West End och Peter
Halls uppsättning av A Midsummer Night’s Dream på Rose Theatre,
In GOLDENEYE (1995), a new female M, played by Dame
Judi Dench, takes charge of MI6. She sees Bond as a
“sexist, misogynist, dinosaur, a relic of the Cold
War,” but like her predecessors, she sees a use for
Bond and his methods. In CASINO ROYALE (2006), M
presides over bond’s initiation as an “00” agent, a
narrative shift that relaunches both Bond and M in
the 21st century. M guides Bond’s transformation
from a skilled agent who occasionally fails to see
the bigger picture to a hardened operative guided by
larger objectives. In SKYFALL (2012), M finds
herself in political hot water when a hard drive
containing the names of nearly every undercover NATO
agent falls into enemy hands. In an attempt to
recapture the drive she instructs Eve Moneypenny to
take a high-risk shot, resulting in Bond being hit.
Unknown to M, Bond survived the attack and
eventually shows up at her London home. Refusing to
apologise for making the judgement call, she is
nevertheless glad to have Bond back. M conceals the
results of Bond’s failed physical, shooting and
psychological tests and sends him to Shanghai. His
mission results in the capture of Silva, a
cyber-terrorist, who M reveals once worked for her
but whom she traded to the Chinese for six agents.
Silva has since longed for revenge and escapes from
his MI6 cell and attempts to kill M. Bond takes M to
temporary safety at Skyfall, his old family home.
During Silva’s attack on Skyfall, M is injured and
finds refuge in a chapel. Silva eventually finds her
and begs her to end both their lives. Bond kills
Silva and cradles M as she dies. Following her death
she bequeaths Bond her Royal Doulton Bulldog,
revealing her true name to be Olivia Mansfield.
Dame Judi Dench played M in seven Bond films over
17 years, from GOLDENEYE (1995) to SKYFALL (2012)
and made a cameo in SPECTRE (2015). Daniel Craig on
Dench; “Judi Dench can say a hundred words and make
them sound wonderful, but can also give one look and
break your heart.”


Judi Dench M quantum of solace
Dame Judi Dench Memoir Is Set for October
- Born:
- December 9, 1934 in York, England, UK
- Occupation:
- Actor
- Birth name:
- Judi Olivia Dench
- Biography:
- One of Britain's most respected and popular actresses, Judi Dench
can claim a decades-old career encompassing the stage, screen, and
television. A five-time winner of the British Academy Award, she was
granted an Order of the British Empire in 1970 and made a Dame of the
British Empire in
It only makes sense that Judi Dench, below,
after accumulating a lifetime’s worth of theater, film and television
credits that could easily fill a book, should finally write one. St.
Martin’s Press said it had acquired a memoir from Ms. Dench, called
“And Furthermore,” that described her professional and private lives,
according to a press release from the publisher. Though she has lately
come to be known for her role as M in the James Bond franchise, and as
Queen Elizabeth in “Shakespeare in Love” (for which she won an Academy
Award for just a few minutes of screen time), Ms. Dench covers the breadth
of her acting career in the memoir, from her start with the Old Vic
theater company in 1957. St. Martin’s plans to publish “And
Furthermore” in October.

Featured in:
18.Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
19.The World Is Not Enough
20.Die Another Day
21.Casino Royale(2006)
22.Quantum Of Solace
23 Skyfall
She also appeared in four James Bond video games, and Judi Dench voiced two
of those
- James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (2004, voiced by Judi Dench)
- GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (2005, voiced by Judi Dench)

Från vänster: Michael G. Wilson, producent.
Gemma Arterton, agent Fields. Mathieu Amalric, Maurice Greene.
Olga Kurylenko, Camille. Daniel Craig, James Bond. Dame Judi Dench, M. Marc
Forster, regissör. Barbara Broccoli, producent.
Thanks for the picture and letter from Judy Dench to The James Bond 007 Museum
Nybro Sweden
Judi Dench som spelat M, bossen till James Bond sedan
Goldeneye 1995, alltså 6 gånger, kommer även denna gång att
medverka i Bond 23, som ännu inte har fått något namn.
Däremot så kommer Dench ut med sina memoarer till hösten.
Judi har även fått en Oscar för drottning Elizabeth. 1998 belönades
hon med en Oscar för bästa kvinnliga biroll i filmen
Shakespeare in Love, där hon spelade drottning
Elisabet I. Hon spelade även drottning i filmen Hennes
majestät Mrs Brown. Hon blev även Oscarsnominerad
filmåret 2000, för Chocolat och filmåret 2001, för Iris. Sedan 1995 har
Dench spelat M i sex James Bond-filmer
Dench adlades 1988, och tituleras
därefter Dame Judi Dench.
After the long period between Licence to Kill and
the producers brought in Dame
Judi Dench to take over as the new M. The character is said to have
possibly been based on Stella
Rimington, the head of MI5 between 1992 and 1996. M's real name has yet to
be revealed in the films, but recent Bond novelist Raymond Benson
gives her the name Barbara Mawdsley. Unlike the ambivalence of
Brown's M, Dench clearly plays a new person appointed to the position of M
(putting to rest a long time debate over the nature of the character),
although in Casino Royale
she states that she worked in MI6 as far back as the Cold
War. She mentions having studied law at Oxford.
In GoldenEye, she is clearly established as different from her
predecessors; she is cold, blunt, and unabashedly dislikes Bond, whom she
calls a "sexist,
dinosaur, a relic of the Cold
War." Tanner, her Chief of Staff, refers to her during the film as
"the evil queen of numbers" given her reputation at that stage for
relying on statistics and analysis rather than impulse and initiative. As she
herself puts it to Bond: "You think I'm an accountant, a bean counter,
more interested in my numbers than your instincts."
In Die Another Day, she orders her subordinates to disavow Bond after he is
taken prisoner in North
Korea, and abandons him to be tortured
for 14 months, though this is in line with typical attitudes toward captured
agents. Although it would appear that Dench's M and Bond don't get along too
well, M still has the same high professional respect for Bond that her
predecessors had and shows a rising level of affection for him as the series
progresses. In
The World Is Not Enough, she even goes as far to say "He's the best
we have ... although I'd never tell him."
There have also been brief references to M's family: one in GoldenEye
(where she responds to Tanner's "Evil Queen of Numbers" jab by
telling him that when she wants to hear sarcasm she'll listen to her children)
and two in The World is Not Enough (early on when Sir Robert King
wishes M the best to her family and later when she remembers how she had
advised King not to pay the ransom for his daughter even though it went
against "every instinct [she] had as a mother").
Dench again plays M for the 2006
film Casino
Royale. In this film M has no history with Bond, unlike her first
appearance in GoldenEye where her relationship with Bond concentrated
on the fact that she is a successor to another M. She promotes Daniel
Craig's Bond to double-0 status and sends him on his first mission. The
new M is shown as more of an eager spymaster than an administrative official,
and there is no trace of her predisposed animosity toward Bond. She is patient
and tolerant of the new agent's excesses. Also, her home appears for the first
time when Bond breaks in to use her home computer's security clearance, and in
a later scene she is shown sleeping in bed next to an unidentified man,
suggesting a husband.
Bond reveals that in finding her home address he also found out her real
name. Bond almost reveals M's name onscreen, which dialogue suggests begins
with the letter M (possibly a confirmation that her name is Barbara Mawdsley).
She stops him before he does and warns that should he utter one more syllable
she will have him killed, suggesting her real name is considered a secret.
Although it is possibly an additional retcon
of the James Bond universe, it could also be a coincidence, as in the case of
Sir Miles Messervy, or simply a joke on Bond's part. The answer has yet to be
established onscreen.