En ny box med alla 20 Bond-filmer i nya 2-disc
Ultimate Edition-utgåvor!
Pris: 2995:- Euro 320
Heltinya versioner av allaiBond-filmer
i en läckeriattache-väska
- Improved picture - restorediframe-by-frame
recapturing the crystaliclear detail and richicolours
of the originalifilms
- Stunning sound -ifor the first timeiever,
all 20 Bondifilms will have DTSi5.1
Surround Sound
- Two disciset - each DVDiwill
now include aibonus disc loaded withiextra
- Premium packaging -iredesigned
collectible premium packagingiand art
- Never before seenifootage - previously
unreleasediand behind the scenesifootage
from the Bondivaults
- All new added valueimaterial - all newiinteractive
menus, features, photoigalleries and more!
Dr. No
1.66:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
007: License to Restorei- Featurette Detailing
theiBOND Ultimate Edition FilmiRestoration
The Guns ofiJames Bond
Premiere Bond
Interactive GuideiInto the World ofiDr.
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director Terence Youngiand
Members of theiCast and Crew
Inside Dr.iNo
Terence Young: Bond Vivant
Dr.iNo 1963 Featurette
Original Trailers,iTV Spots, Photo Galleryi&
Radio Communications
From RussiaiWith Love
1.66:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
Ian Fleming: The CBCiInterview
Ian Fleming & RaymondiChandler Featurette
Ian Fleming oniDesert Island Discs
Animated StoryboardiSequence
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of From RussiaiWith
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director Terence Youngiand
Members of theiCast and Crew
Inside FromiRussia With Love
Harry Saltzman:iShowman
Original Trailers, TV Spots,iPhoto Gallery &
1.66:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1i& DTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles:iEnglish HOH, Danish, Dutch,iEnglish,
Finnish, Greek, Hindi,iNorwegian & Swedish
Extras Newito this DVD include:
SeaniConnery From the Setiof
Screen Tests
On TouriWith the Aston MartiniDB-5
Honor Blackman Open-Ended Interview
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Guy Hamilton
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Cast and Crew
TheiMaking of Goldfinger
The GoldfingeriPhenomenon
Original Publicity Featurette
Original Trailers,iTV Spots, Photo Galleryi&
Radio Communications
2.35:1 AnamorphiciWidescreen
English DD5.1 & DTSi5.1 Surround
Subtitles: English HOH,iDanish, Dutch, English,
Finnish,iGreek, Hindi, Norwegian &iSwedish
Extras New to thisiDVD include:
The Incredible Worldiof James Bond -iOriginal
1965 NBC TelevisioniSpecial
A Child's Guide toiBlowing Up a MotoriCar
On Location With KeniAdam
Bill Suitor: The RocketiMan Movies
Thunderball Boat ShowiReel
Selling Bonds - Originali1965 Television
Interactive GuideiInto the World ofiThunderball
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiTerence Young and
AudioiCommentary Featuring Peter Hunt,iJohn
Hopkins and Others
TheiThunderball Phenomenon
The Secret Historyiof Thunderball
The Making ofiThunderball
Original Trailers, TV Spots,iPhoto Gallery &
You Only Live Twice
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Welcome toiJapan, Mr. Bond (50:03mins)
Whicker'siWorld - Highlights Fromi1967
BBC Documentary (5;20mins)
OniLocation With Ken Adami(13:57mins)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of You OnlyiLive
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director Lewis Gilbertiand
Members of theiCast and Crew
Inside YouiOnly Live Twice
Silhouettes: TheiJames Bond Titles
Plane Crash:iAnimated Storyboard Sequence
Original Trailers,iPhoto Gallery, TV Spoti&
Radio Communications
On HeriMajesty?s Secret Service
2.35:1 AnamorphiciWidescreen
English DD5.1 & DTSi5.1 Surround
Subtitles: English HOH,iDanish, Dutch, English,
Finnish,iGreek, Hindi, Norwegian &iSwedish
Extras New to thisiDVD include:
Casting On HeriMajesty's Secret Service
Press Dayiin Portugal
George Lazenby: IniHis Own Words
Shot oniIce - Original 1969iFord
Promo Film
Swiss Movementi- Original 1969 Featurette
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
On Her Majesty'siSecret Service
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director Peter Huntiand
Members of theiCast and Crew
Inside OniHer Majesty's Secret Service
InsideiQ's Lab
Above It Alli- Original 1969 Featurette
OriginaliTrailer, TV Spots, PhotoiGallery
& Radio Communications
DiamondsiAre Forever
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
Sean Connery 1971: TheiBBC Interview
Lesson # 007:iClose Quarter Combat
Deleted Footagei- Oil Rig Attack
Satellitei& Explosions Test Reel
Alternatei& Expanded Angles
Interactive GuideiInto the World ofiDiamonds
Are Forever
Extras fromithe original DVD include:
AudioiCommentary Featuring Director GuyiHamilton
and Members ofithe Cast and Crew
InsideiDiamonds Are Forever
Cubby Broccolii- The Man BehindiBond
Original Trailers, TV Spots,iPhoto Gallery &
Live and Let Die
1.85:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Newly RecordediAudio Commentary Featuring SiriRoger
Bond 1973: TheiLost Documentary (20:46mins)
Roger Mooreias James Bond, Circai1964
Live and LetiDie Conceptual Art (01:38mins)
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
Live and LetiDie
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiGuy Hamilton
Audio Commentary FeaturingiTom Mankiewicz
Inside Live andiLet Die
On Set WithiRoger Moore
Original Trailers, TViSpots, Photo Gallery &iRadio
The Man WithiThe Golden Gun
1.85:1 AnamorphiciWidescreen
English DD5.1 & DTSi5.1 Surround
Subtitles: English HOH,iDanish, Dutch, English,
Finnish,iGreek, Hindi, Norwegian &iSwedish
Extras New to thisiDVD include:
Newly Recorded AudioiCommentary Featuring Sir
Roger Moore and HervéiVillechaize - The RusselliHarty
Show (2:51mins)
On LocationiWith The Man Withithe
Golden Gun (1:27mins)
GuyiHamilton: The Director Speaksi(5:04mins)
Girls Fighting (3:29mins)
American ThrilliShow Stunt Film (5:03mins,ialso
with commentary)
The Roadito Bond: Stunt CoordinatoriW.J.
Milligan Jr. (8:01mins)
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
The Man Withithe Golden Gun
Extras fromithe original DVD include:
AudioiCommentary Featuring Director GuyiHamilton
and Members ofithe Cast and Crew
InsideiThe Man With theiGolden
Gun - AniOriginal Documentary
Double-O Stuntmen: AiLook at the GreatestiStunts
and Stunt Performersiin the Bond Films
OriginaliTrailers, TV Spots, PhotoiGallery
& Radio Communications
TheiSpy Who Loved Me
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Newly RecordediAudio Commentary Featuring SiriRoger
007 in Egypti(6:12mins)
Roger Moore: My WordiIs My Bond (4:31mins)
OniLocation With Ken Adamsi(5:41mins)
007 Stage Dedication -iOriginal 1977 Featurette
EscapeiFrom Atlantis: Storyboard Sequencei(2:14mins)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of The SpyiWho
Loved Me
Extras fromithe original DVD include:
AudioiCommentary Featuring Director LewisiGilbert,
Production Designer KeniAdam, Co-Writer
Christopher Woodiand Michael G Wilson
InsideiThe Spy Who LovediMe
Ken Adam: Designing Bond
OriginaliTrailers, TV Spots, PhotoiGallery
& Radio Communications
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Newly RecordediAudio Commentary Featuring SiriRoger
007 in Rioi- Original 1979 ProductioniFeaturette
Ken Adam's ProductioniFilms (11:33mins)
Bond '79 (11:47mins)
Learningito Freefall - SkydivingiTest
Footage (3:55mins)
Skydiving Storyboardsi(1:17mins)
Circus Footage (1:15mins)
Cable CariAlternative Storyboards (1:19mins &i2:04mins)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of Moonraker
Extras fromithe old DVD include:
AudioiCommentary Featuring Director LewisiGilbert
and Members ofithe Cast and Crew
InsideiMoonraker - An OriginaliDocumentary
The Men Behind theiMayhem - Special EffectsiDocumentary
Original Trailer & PhotoiGallery
For Your Eyes Only
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Newly RecordediAudio Commentary Featuring SiriRoger
Deleted Scenes &iExpanded Angles
Bond in Greecei(5:55mins)
Bond in Cortina (4:16mins)
Neptune'siJourney (3:32mins)
Interactive Guide Intoithe World of ForiYour
Eyes Only
Extras fromithe original DVD include:
AudioiCommentary Featuring John Gleniand
Audio Commentary FeaturingiMichael G Wilson andiCrew
Inside For Your EyesiOnly
Animated Storyboard Sequences
Sheena EastoniMusic Video
Original Trailers, TViSpots, Photo Gallery &iRadio
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
Newly Recorded Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Sir
Roger Moore
ShootingiStunts: Crashing Jeeps (3:47mins)i&
The Airplane Crashi(3:26mins)
Ken Burns On-Set Moviei(6:40mins)
On Location with PeteriLamont (4:32mins)
Testing the Limitsi- The Aerial Teami(4:31mins)
James Brolin & MaudiAdams Screentest
James BroliniIntro (4:15mins)
James Brolin Intro:iVijay (1:40mins)
James Brolin Screentestsi- Stuntman (1:34mins)
James Bondiin India - Originali1983
Featurette (28:14mins)
Interactive GuideiInto the World ofiOctopussy
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiDirector John Glen
Inside Octopussyi- An Original Documentary
DesigningiBond - Peter Lamont
"AlliTime High" Music Video
Original Trailers & PhotoiGallery
A View To AiKill
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1i& DTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles:iEnglish HOH, Danish, Dutch,iEnglish,
Finnish, Greek, Hindi,iNorwegian & Swedish
Extras Newito this DVD include:
NewlyiRecorded Audio Commentary FeaturingiSir
Roger Moore
Film '85iBBC Report (7:24mins)
Float LikeiA Butterfly Test Footagei(1:31mins)
The Streets of SaniFrancisco (3:02mins)
Deleted Scenes &iExpanded Angles with
Introductionsiby Director John Glen
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
A View toia Kill
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director John Gleniand
Members of theiCast and Crew
Inside AiView to a Kill
TheiMusic of James Bond
'AiView to a Kill'iMusic
Video Performed byiDuran Duran
Original Trailers, TViSpots & Photo Gallery
TheiLiving Daylights
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
Deleted Scenes With Introductioniby director John
HappyiAnniversary 007 (47:49mins)
Silver AnniversaryiFeaturettes (x4, approx 6minsitotal)
Timothy Dalton: The NewiJames Bond/Vienna Press
Timothy Dalton: On Actingi(6:54mins)
Dalton and d'Abo Interviewsi(5:30mins)
The Ice Chase Outtakesi- Deleted Footage withiDirector
John Glen Narrationi(8:10mins)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of The LivingiDaylights
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiDirector John Glen andiMembers
of the Castiand Crew
Inside The LivingiDaylights
Ian Fleming: 007's Creator
'TheiLiving Daylights' Music VideoiPerformed
by a-ha
The Makingiof 'The Living Daylights'iMusic
Original Trailers, TViSpots, Photo Gallery &iRadio
Licence To Kill
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Deleted Scenesi(x9) with Director JohniGlen
Bond '89 (11:42mins)
Onithe Set With JohniGlen
On Location WithiPeter Lamont (5:22mins)
Ground CheckiWith Corkey Fornof (4:46mins)
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
Licence to Kill
Extrasifrom the original DVDiinclude:
Audio Commentary Featuring DirectoriJohn Glen and
Membersiof the Cast
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Michael G Wilsoniand
Members of theiCrew
Inside Licence to Killi- A Documentary
Production Featurettei"Behind the Scenes"
Kenworth TrucksiFeaturette
'Licence to Kill' MusiciVideo Performed by GladysiKnight
'If You Asked MeiTo' Music Video Performediby
Patti LaBelle
Original Trailersi& Photo Gallery
Uncut Presentation
2.35:1iAnamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1 &iDTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles: EnglishiHOH, Danish, Dutch, English,iFinnish,
Greek, Hindi, Norwegiani& Swedish
Extras New toithis DVD include:
Deleted Scenesi(x4) with Introductions byiDirector
Martin Campbell
Directing Bond:iThe Martin Chronicles (10:17mins)
Buildingia Better Bond: Pre-ProductioniFeaturette
The Return ofiBond - The Startiof
Production Press Eventi(5:28mins)
Anatomy of a CariChase: Remy Julienne (2:55mins)
Anatomyiof a Stunt: TankiVersus
Perrier (6:07mins)
Making itiin Small Pictures: DerekiMeddings
Location Scouting withiPeter Lamont (12:32mins)
GoldenEye: TheiSecret Files (28:30mins)
GoldenEye: TheiSecret Files - TheiCast
Pre-Title Storyboard Sequenceiwith Director
Martin Campbelli(1:32mins)
Optional Commentary Segments (x2)iby Martin
Interactive GuideiInto the World ofiGoldenEye
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiMartin Campbell and
MichaeliG. Wilson
The World ofi007 - Original 1995iTelevision
Special Hosted byiElizabeth Hurley
The GoldenEye VideoiJournal Promotional
"GoldenEye" MusiciVideo Performed by
Original Trailers, TV Spotsi& Photo Gallery
Tomorrow NeveriDies
Uncut Presentation
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
EnglishiDD5.1 & DTS 5.1iSurround
Subtitles: English HOH, Danish,iDutch, English,
Finnish, Greek,iHindi, Norwegian & Swedish
ExtrasiNew to this DVDiinclude:
Deleted and Extended ScenesiIntroduced by
Director RogeriSpottiswoode
Expanded Angles Introduced byiDirector Roger
Highly Classified:iThe World of 007
"TheiJames Bond Theme" (Moby'siRemix)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of Tomorrow
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiVic Armstrong and
MichaeliG. Wilson
Audio Commentary FeaturingiRoger Spottiswoode and
DaniPetrie Jr.
Isolated Score (DD5.1iSuround)
The Secrets of 007
Original Trailers & PhotoiGallery
The World Is NotiEnough
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1i& DTS 5.1 Surround
Subtitles:iEnglish HOH, Danish, Dutch,iEnglish,
Finnish, Greek, Hindi,iNorwegian & Swedish
Extras Newito this DVD include:
DeletediScenes and Alternate Anglesiwith
Introductions by DirectoriMichael Apted
Alternate Angle/Expanded AngleiScene: The Thames
James Bond Down Riveri- Original 1999 Featurettei(25:03mins)
Creating an Icon: Makingithe Teaser Trailer
HongiKong Press Conference (9:46mins)
InteractiveiGuide Into the Worldiof
The World IsiNot Enough
Extras from theioriginal DVD include:
Audio CommentaryiFeaturing Director Michael Apted
AudioiCommentary Featuring Peter Lamont,iDavid
Arnold and ViciArmstrong
The Making of TheiWorld Is Not Enough
Tribute to Desmond Llewelyn
"TheiWorld Is Not Enough"iMusic
Video by Garbage
TheiSecrets of 007
Original Traileri& Photo Gallery
Die AnotheriDay
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
English DD5.1iEX & DTS 5.1iES
Subtitles: English HOH,iDanish, Dutch, English,
Finnish,iGreek, Hindi, Norwegian &iSwedish
Extras New to thisiDVD include:
Just Another Dayi(22:38mins)
The British Touch: BondiArrives in London
OniLocation With Peter Lamonti(13:52mins)
Interactive Guide Into theiWorld of Die AnotheriDay
Extras from the originaliDVD include:
Audio Commentary FeaturingiDirector Lee Tamahori
andiProducer Michael G. Wilson
AudioiCommentary Featuring Pierce Brosnaniand
Rosamund Pike
MI6 DataStream
FromiScript to Screen
Shaken andiStirred on Ice
Additional DVD-ROMiFeatures Available