The Relationship
Russia With Love 1957 ![]() Published 8th April 1957 by Jonathan Cape in London
Ian FlemingIan Fleming served in British Intelligence MI6 during World War II. From this experience, he learned the workings of the system of spying and the secret service. He started writing his series of James Bond books around 1952 and wrote a book every year or two until completing 14 books. Fleming and Kennedy MeetFleming was somewhat dashing and had many friends within British government. Thus, he was invited to a party in Washington D.C. held by newly elected American President John F. Kennedy. Fleming was introduced to President Kennedy, and in their conversation, he told Kennedy that he had a way to get rid of Fidel Castro, the Communist leader of Cuba. This piqued Kennedy's interest, since Castro had been a thorn in the side of Kennedy. Gave amusing suggestionFleming said that Castro's beard was the key. Without the beard, Castro would look like anyone else. It was his trademark. So, Fleming said that the U.S. should announce that they found that beards attract radioactivity. Any person wearing a beard could become radioactive himself as well as sterile! Castro would immediately shave off his beard and would soon fall from power, when the people saw him as an ordinary person. Kennedy had a good laugh about this bizarre suggestion. Kennedy tells about booksJohn F. Kennedy was a young and fun-loving president. He had a good sense of humor and certainly enjoyed a joke or two. His style and grace caught the Country by storm. When he found out that Fleming had written some spy stories, Kennedy promised to read one. Later, in a press conference, a reporter ask President Kennedy what type of books he liked read. He said his favorite books were the James Bond series, by Ian Fleming. Once the public found out about it, the books rose to the best-selling list. In conclusionAfter President Kennedy was given an amusing suggestion of how to get rid of Fidel Castro by author Ian Fleming, he promised to read some of his books. They became favorites of the President, and when this was broadcast in the press, they became national best sellers. Some lessons learned here are:
(Note: Although the series of books were popular and well-written in their time, the series of James Bond movies that followed have become the epitome of gadgets, special effects and violence.)
![]() John F. Kennedy reading book 1963 Kennedys favorit
Fleming meet John F. Kennedy Tidskriften Life publicerade en lista, där president John
F Kennedy listade sina tio favoritböcker. Ian Flemings From
Russia, With Love fanns på nionde (9) plats. året var mars 1960.
Mini-quiz to check your understanding1. Why was Fleming invited to Kennedy's party? 2. Why was Kennedy amused by Fleming's suggestion about how to get Castro out of power? 3. What did Kennedy do after speaking to Ian Fleming? If you got all three correct, you are on your way to
becoming a champion in learning from history. ResourcesThe following are resources on this topic. Websites
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Bill Clinton meeting John F. Kennedy 1963
James Bond
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